Who are Tomorrow’s Pioneers?

No one knows yet, for sure, who they will be. But they are found among the youth of today. These are young people who have already demonstrated the Pioneer virtues of faith in God, loyalty to country, hard work and sacrifice, courage and personal integrity. They may be young people who have faced unexpected obstacles in life, such as physical infirmities or severe social or economic handicaps, and are overcoming them. They are young men and women who have demonstrated that they are good citizens of their schools and communities. They may not be top scholars, but they have the will to succeed. These will be Tomorrow’s Pioneers!

An important part of the mission of the Sons of Utah Pioneers is to teach pioneer ideals to our youth.  In carrying out this part of our mission, many SUP Chapters award college scholarships to help worthy young people begin their education. 

Elementary School Essay Contests

The SUP also encourages students in elementary school Utah History classes to write essays on frontier life, pioneer history, or biographies of a pioneer ancestor. From hundreds of biographies and essays, winners are chosen by participating SUP chapters, and given recognition and awards.

For more information about Elementary School Essay Contests, please locate your nearest SUP Chapter by clicking HERE, then contact the leader shown on the list.

College Scholarships

During the school year local chapters of the SUP in Utah invite high school teachers, counselors and administrators, LDS seminary teachers and others to nominate outstanding high school seniors, both young men and young women, to apply for SUP “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” scholarships to colleges of their choice. These scholarships are usually in amounts of $500 to $1,000 each.

In recent years hundreds of college scholarships have been awarded by SUP chapters. Recipients of these scholarships have demonstrated in their own lives the following pioneer ideals:

  • That they have overcome significant personal challenges in their lives – physical, social or economic;

  • That they have practiced in their lives the character traits and virtues of the pioneers;

  • That they are free of drugs, or use of alcohol or tobacco, and are not in trouble with the law;

  • That they have a need they cannot meet on their own, for funds for college;

  • That, although they may or may not be top scholars, they have the skills and motivation to succeed in college. Grades are important, but character is paramount.

For more information about SUP Chapter scholarships, please locate your nearest SUP Chapter by clicking here, then contact the leader shown on the list.