Brigham's Ball 2017

We had a wonderful time at our 2017 Brigham’s Christmas Ball. Keith Van Roosendaal was sworn in as 2018 National President. Tony Tidwell was sworn in as 2018 National President-elect. And John Elggren was sworn in as 2018 National Past President. The National Board and other Officers were also sworn in. Dil and Diane Strasser prepared excellent food in a beautiful buffet dinner presentation! Over 80 people were in attendance and partied the night away with dancing and games lead by the Old Glory Vintage Dancers. Steve Cook won the Men’s Costume Contest, Kathy Tidwell won the Women’s Costume Contest, and Jim and Joan Hurst won the Couple’s Costume Contest. Grant Barton and Keith Van Roosendaal won the raffle for buying their tickets before the deadline. We had such a great time that the Old Glory Vintage Dancers have given the SUP four $25 Gift Certificates redeemable for other similar events they hold throughout the year. These will go to the first 4 people to call Heather 801-484-4441.
