SUPer DUPer Day at This Is The Place State Park

SUPer DUPer Day at This Is The Place Heritage Park was a lot of fun this year for Family Home Evening and Historians alike. The day started as a pleasant morning with a light rainfall. Many families came early in the day to explore the village in depth before the temperature shot up in the afternoon. Elder Gerrit W Gong of the Quorum of 12 arrived several hours early for the Devotional and was gracious enough to meet people and take pictures with all who asked. In his keynote address he spoke of pioneers of the past and pioneers of the present. Click HERE to read the full Church News article. The Devotional was held in the new Pavilion that has replaced the old Bowery. It is much bigger with improved sound and more than double the seating. So the attendance felt much smaller than last year, but we will counted 1875 people throughout the day. This Is The Place has given the SUP and DUP such a wonderful service, discounting tickets to less than half their value. Please encourage your friends and family to come next year!
